Sunday, April 16, 2017

Mini Update: Mid-April

Whats up fellas im back, ive been doing tons and tons of research in the last few days and i can see this as a mid-month update. If i dont have a specific topic ill just call it a mini update.

The one thing that has been on my mind lately was should i really just keep scaling up on my current holdings or should i venture out and find new stocks to help fill in more gaps between the dividends payments. Well you guys already know the answer to that, just from reading the main title of my blog, the answer is BOTH. I want to receive at least $10 minimum in dividends every month, but let me give you a hint for April's dividend doesn't look like ill be reaching that minimum this month, ill explain more about that when i do my dividend update for April.

Alright guys lets get to business, so during my many hours of research i came upon 2 really attractive (sexy lol) high yielding stocks. Ive seen people on Facebook mention these stocks from time to time but i always forget to look them up on Fidelity (which is what i use to hold my watch-list and to look up stocks). So the 2 stocks are (WPC) and (OHI), the one thing i love about these stocks is that there both REITS, and guess what one pays in January and the other pays in February which is good, this fits right with my plan. What i like to do is to spread the dividends across the 3 dividend payments schedules. Dividends that start in Jan., Feb.or Mar. How i plan to do to fix this problem of reaching $10 a month, is have 3 good yielding stocks that pay in each of the 3 schedules. (WPC),(OHI), and (CVX) but i already own 1 share of (CVX). For 2017 i have a $600-$700 budget every-time i invest. Im still going to buy more of my current holdings but i need to even out the income first by starting off with the 3 highest yields ill have in my portfolio and then i move down to the next 3 highest yeilds, working my way down to the lowest yeilds, and hopefully by mid 2018 ill have over $600 invested into each holding . But remember guys, dont get GREEDY. When you get greedy, you get desperate, when you get desperate, you buy anything thats showing like a 9% yeild and then you dun messed it up, because right after you buy, the price could go down by like 40% and the dividend gets a huge cut because the company is giving way too much money to its investors lol you never know.

Oh and i almost forgot to tell you about my plans with monthly dividend stocks, (i currently own 3 monthly dividend stocks) out of all of the different types of monthly dividend stocks that i came across, i only found 1 that i want to add to my portfolio. I wanted to add a second monthly stock but im very strict with my portfolio, out of a 100 stocks you might see me consider maybe 5 of them and then i might actually buy 1. So the next monthly dividend stock im interested in is (GOOD), and guess what its another REIT lol i dont know why but i think im having a love affair with REITs, i mean real estate is like my favorite investment. so to end this post, ill show you how much ill be making in the near future from these stocks if i put around $600 into each of them.

*note that i already own 1 share of (CVX) so i added 1 share in the total

Now that is one lovely sight right there, all of this will be a reality before the end of the year. Just imagining what it would feel like to a $10 dividend from a single stock makes me feel "warm and fuzzy" :3, a quote from Kevin O'leary i love to use all the time. That feeling you get when you drink a cup of coffee at just the right temp. hmmm feels real good doesn't it....... lol anyway guys hope you liked my update, keep earning em sweet dividends and ill see you guys next time ;-)

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