Friday, April 15, 2022

Dividend Update March 2022



What's going on fellas, welcome back to the dividend mascot blog. I just came back from Las Vegas, right now in the middle of April I'm having my 2 weeks paid vacation. I've told stories on here in the past that vacations are extremely hard for me but might as well take advantage of it and enjoy it. It may be hard to believe but it's hard for me to stop doing my 14/16 hours days........sometimes back to back....... it's really hard. I'm nibbling at $3,000 invested a month back to you really think I want to slow down and take a break? hell no...........for March 2022 I hit $2,845 in contributions. That's like telling a formula one driver to end the practice session early and bring the race car back into the pit lane right when he's getting into the rhythm of hitting new personal records on the race track. The total contribution for Q1 2022 is $9,550. Here's a little treat, the top played song throughout the first quarter is 🎶 I got the feeling 🎶 by James Brown. 16/14 hour days are nothing more than a bunch of James Brown dance moves. That's how I roll, so let's continue down by going over the dividend income and future plans. 

Roth IRA

Total: $101.30

Taxable Account

Total: $ 15.93

Grand Total: $117.23

Q1 (First Quarter) Dividends: $305.26

Purchase: 6 shares of (MA) ($1,945.38), 4 shares of (MSFT) ($1,215.75), 39 shares of (O) ($2,538.52) & 6 shares of (JNJ) ($1,063.44)

Sold: All shares of (LTC) & (MCD) 

This month Main Street Capital (MAIN) paid out a special dividend ($2.75). I Sold (LTC) reinvested everything back into (O) & sold (MCD) reinvested everything back into (JNJ). McDonald's could make its return one day but it will be placed into the Taxable Account. Light-weighted holdings are a waste of my time so I got rid of it and made my Johnson & Johnson holding a bigger position. More changes to come for the Roth IRA. Next month I'll be buying more (MSCI) and (ODFL). Old Dominion Freight Line is one of my favorite high convictions because it's a trucking company it's soooo predictable and easy to understand. Either by the end of this year or early next year ill own $10,000 worth of their stock. The key lesson here is if you are serious about long-term single stock investing stick to your highest convictions with the strongest fundamentals because if or when they drop by -5%, -10%, -15%, or even -20% in the red. You are excited to buy in even more because you've done 1000% due diligence on everything.

So that's your quick blog update for March and tell you the truth.........i can't wait to get back to work. Don't get me wrong sometimes I enjoy just sitting in my game room laying back on the couch eating ice cream watching tons of anime and playing video games but after like 3 days..........I'm ready to make some money lol. Currently, I have another full week left of paid vacation in April (2 weeks total). My next trip will be to Washington D.C. I'm going to see the White House for the first time in my life. I like to take my vacations in the first half of the year so I can just go full throttle throughout the rest of the year. I can honestly say that I truly understand why Ellen DeGeneres (worth over $350 million btw) was having a hard time just sitting in her big mansion laying on the couch calling her celeb friends during the peak of covid-19. She doesn't know how to not work, that's why she's so successful and has a hit talk show with celebrities. I also understand why billionaires work the way they do.....I get it. Anyways I have nothing left to share for the month so ill see guys in the next update. 

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