Roth IRA
Total: $92.07
Grand Total: $131.37
YoY: 29.44%
Purchases: N/A (first time........ever)
It's a really good feeling knowing that I made $131.37 in passive income while playing Grand Theft Auto 5 online on my Xbox. So since I didn't invest anything this month. This blog update is just going to be a big discussion. (Getting comfortable on my couch as I'm typing this on my phone) So first I'll answer another question. "What's the point of this blog?" There are actually multiple reasons, obviously to document my story in dividend growth investing (with a lot of creativity\ imagination with describing my determination), to show brand new investors that anything is possible, and best for last is to give the retirees a good show to watch. Recap from last month, a young man on his way to his first $100,000 in his 20s. Think that's the best way I can answer that question.
Another topic that keeps popping is the infamous AT&T. So what are my plans with (T)? Once I hit 100 shares that's it. I'll let it compound within my Roth IRA for the rest of my life, I have WAAAAAY better-performing stocks on my mind to add more capital towards. As a matter of fact, I haven't bought not one single share this year, DRIP has been doing that for me. AT&T is more of like a pension plan for my 59.5-year-old self in the future. It's nothing fancy just a really really FAT check coming in every quarter. Every stock should have its purpose. As for better-performing stocks I already have 3 GROWTH STOCKS in mind, that has a tiny dividend with a massive yearly dividend growth, which will be added to my taxable account once I max out my ROTH IRA contribution. The 3 growth stocks are (???), (???), and (???).......... (I got ya lol) it will be my little secret until I actually purchase them 😜. There's your cliff hanger for next year.
Alright, guys I hope that clears up a lot of the confusion behind this blog. I'll also be giving more life updates as I get closer to my trucking career. Once I get my hands on that higher income, this story is going to be a blast. Anyway, guys hope you guys did well for the month, and ill see you guys next time.
Hi! Congratulations! We are well on our way to $ 150 in revenue. This year, a little joked about us, however, more and more companies are starting to recover and pay the dividend again, we have to live with it and keep making purchases. (Next year, I’ll also consider that sometimes I’d rather not buy anything rather than collect the free money in my account).