Saturday, August 6, 2022

Dividend Update July 2022


(New record in my 20s)

$3,660 in contributions in a month

(100% Taxable account)

1# Song/Video of the month (Press play)

14 to 16 hour day = Michael Jackson dance move's
(Biggest lesson I learned in 2022: In order to become "very" wealthy you have to be "very" abnormal). Truth in love ❤️ with a 16-hour day. I enjoy this a billion times more than the 2 weeks of paid vacation I had back in April 2022. 

Roth IRA

Total: $108.98

Taxable Account

Total: $21.83

Grand total: $130.81
Purchase: 1 share of (MSCI) ($412.84), 7 shares of (ODFL) ($1,795.18), & 9 shares of (AAPL) ($1,442.60)

New single stock position analysis coming in the next update.