Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Dividend Update November 2017

THE FINAL PUSH FOR $10,000..........ON $9.47 AN HOUR

If this video or character doesn't describe how brutal my determination was in November, from the 1st to the 22nd.......than i dont know what will.

Congratulations you just witness someone surpassing $10,000............on $9.47 an hour going from $2,200 to over $10,000 in less than a year and you didnt even realize it. (I was brutal in November) The moment Gohan punched through the final boss, was how it felt to surpass $10,000 on $9.47 an hour. Doing a bunch of 14 hour days through out November, but it got even more intense when i did nothing but 14 hours back to back the week of Thanksgiving, i said to myself that i was going to hit that number before i sat at the dinner table with my family, and i hit that number on the 22nd. Whats the whole point of sharing this video, whats the meaning behind it? well let me tell you a few things about my Father. If it wasn't for my Father being soo hard on me throughout all there years, i would not have became what i am today.........someone that doesn't make any excuses. I just take action and ask questions later, my Father (who is an Air-force vet of  30+ years of service) always told me when i was a kid that "No one is going to hold your hand, No one is going to spoon feed you" he did not want me to grow up weak and think everything should be handed to i should work for it. So don't thank me for this unique investing story, thank my Father. Which is why this video is perfect because of the father and son moment. Isnt it soo funny how i can connect something as awesome as DBZ to real life, its a really unique way of describing my determination and telling my story. Like i said before, you will never unlock your true potential until you filter out all excuses, like for example Gohan is just a kid, but he pushed his body soo hard that he surpassed his Father for a few mins and then passed out, because he didn't make any excuses.I will admit, my body felt just like how he did at the end of the video when i got the plane to fly out of town for Thanksgiving lol. Btw i hope you the readers had an awesome Thanksgiving :D

Alright enough of the serious stuff, lets get to the fun stuff :D

November Dividend Income

Now thats what the heck im about baby (punches hard through the air) alright lets go over the details.

Total: $38.05..........(passes out falling out off the couch)
Purchases: 6 shares of T, and 10 shares of QCOM
NEW PAYDAY RECORD: $25.98 11/15/17 (passes out again)

So, what are the my plans for the upcoming months..........well im going to take it easy for the next few months. That means no more of the near $1,000 contributed months for a while :-(  its was bad-ass doing it on a wage people would think would be impossible, but ill get back into my groove again sometime in 2018 don't worry. Maybe when April hits, i might just let the dividends run on its own for the first 3 months of the year. Christmas is coming and plus i don't really push as hard at the beginning of the year. I usually take it easy at the beginning of the year and than as we get closer and closer to the end of the year, the harder i push. Im not sure what ill be buying in December yet but we will find out on the next update :)

Funny story from Thanksgiving week

So i said that doing all the crazy hours i did in November sorta backfired on my body, the reason why i pushed soo hard was because i was going to be off for the next 3 days. When Mom and I arrived at my sisters house from the airport on the 22nd (my dad flew in on Thanksgiving day because of work). I quickly found out that we have to go shopping for more supplies for the Thanksgiving party, as we were going through hours of shopping my body was slumped over the basket as i was following my mom and sister lol  whole body was mildly sore, nothing serious XD but my body was mostly back to normal on Thanksgiving day :-). My sister thought it was funny................until i revealed to her my $10,000 portfolio when we went out to eat lol thought her eyes were going to pop out XD i was i like "Shhh dont tell anyone ok, only a select few should know about this", my mom was having a good time seeing the reactions lol her reaction was funny too when i showed her it at the airport, she was like "oh my goodness" XD. I even talked my sister's co-worker who works at Chase bank that is looking into starting an Roth IRA, we had a really good long discussion.......especially about Dave Ramsey.

Well i think I've done enough talking as it is because i think just by looking through the numbers, you probably realized that not only did i surpass $10,000, but i also hit a new monthly record, PLUS hitting a new payday record for the month of November. 3 records broken in a single month...............i think you guys know whats next. Its time to PARTY people, i feel i should do something special this month because its super rare to hit 3 records at once.

Press play to start party

For hitting ($10,000), hitting a new monthly record TWICE in a row, and hitting a new payday record
 (starts headbanging)

I swear when im 45 years old, and i come across these 20+ year old blog post tears are gonna come out. Like i said before, my vision is that he's going to be rolling in a silver 2 door Maserati (i actually saw the exact model on my way to work recently) and his phone going to vibrate saying that he received $7,500 worth a dividends for a day. With how my determination is its definitely possible, and im going to stick to that vision, the one thing that messes up the math on the retirement calculators every single my determination. Anyway guys thats it for it for this, hope you enjoyed keep stacking them sweet dividends and see you guys next time :-D